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Yup, one can celebrate almost anything! And today we celebrate National Bubblewrap Day! It is part of my daily life as an eBay seller. What would I do without it? It is essential to me! It protects the fragile items I ship to buyers. It is fun to pop! It’s easy to use again and get more life from it than just a one time use!

I have friends and neighbors that save bubblewrap for me! For example, they buy something online, open the box, take their purchase, and are left with all this perfectly good bubblewrap. What should they do with it? Great idea, give it to Anne Z to use again! I love it! And I so appreciate their saving it for me!

There are two types of bubblewrap, one with the small bubbles and one with the larger bubbles. The more fragile the item, the one with the bigger bubbles should be used. The bubbles should be facing next to the object they are protecting. It’s also a good idea to use a wrapping paper as an extra layer of protection! Sometimes double boxing extremely fragile items is a good practice too!

There is another way to score FREE bubblewrap besides getting it from friends and neighbors: Staples! I turn in old ink jet printer cartridges each month. Staples will give you a $2 credit for each one, with a limit of 10 cartridges per month. To claim that credit, the following month Staples will send an online coupon to use. I BUY large rolls of bubblewrap with that coupon and SAVE again. On top of that savings, I use Rakuten to begin the order and then click on Staples to place and complete it. More savings! More bubblewrap! Yippee!

Today, I am going to celebrate my bubblewrap stash. You can see from the photo that I have rolls and a large stack of it! I never scrimp on using it, because I always get more! Keep it out of our landfill by finding a friend who is an eBay seller like me, or someone who is moving. Put up a local listing on NextDoor or Freecycle! It is always fun to move stuff around the universe!

Happy National Bubblewrap Day to you and yours! 🙂 The next on is scheduled for January 30, 2023!