Acacia Tree


I don’t know about you, but here on the West Coast, allergy season has begun in earnest! The acacia trees are now in bloom and my nose sure knows! When I look out my family room window and see the bright yellow, I dread going outside to breathe the fresh air because of my experiences with those trees!

According to WebMD, allergy season can begin in January. Today my calendar says February and we have colder weather, but I can report runny eyes and a sneezy nose! How about you? Do you have any allergy symptoms? What do you do about them?

My go to remedy is Claritin. It’s over the counter and works for me by taking a once a day tiny tablet. I seem to tolerate taking it and am happy it’s a non-drowsy antihistamine! Yet by the day’s end, I can feel a tingly feeling in my nose again! You should consult your own medical professional for ways to control your hay fever or other allergies. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.



I’ve heard reports that our allergy seasons are longer than ones in the past, possibly because of our changing climate. For my fellow allergy sufferers, that’s not good news. We will need to stock up on our Kleenex supplies and allergy medication! The increase in pollen can be attributed to warmer temperatures and is a reason for the misery we all go through every new year!

While my allergies are discomforting and annoying, I am not the worst of sufferers. I know some folks who need to take injections and prescription medications to control theirs. There is a range is what we all are allergic to: grasses, trees, weeds and other plants. It may important to know what your triggers are and how to avoid them. Working with an allergy specialist may be helpful. Unfortunately, there is no cure, just management!

If you are on allergy medication, there may be a warning on its label: avoid drinking alcohol, or it could produce bad side effects. Others may take a more holistic approach like eating an anti-inflammatory and alkaline diet, eating raw honey and drinking cider vinegar. Whatever path you take, hopefully your allergies will be not be debilitating to you in the months ahead.

I know friends who have been helped by using air purifiers while indoors. This can help with pet dander as well. My son just bought this one shown below by Levoit and is very pleased with its results.



I have found a tiny silver lining to wearing a mask during the pandemic. It may give a bit of relief from breathing in the pollen produced by the blooming acacia trees! If you have hay fever, how are you dealing with it? Please share your comments below.