My sister-in-law Heidi loves dogs and has a dog walking business in San Rafael, CA called Heidi’s Happy Dogs.
She has raised a number of dogs for The Guide Dogs for the Blind as well!
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Along Comes Kerith
Heidi’s latest trainee, Kerith began as a potential guide dog, but she was a bit more energetic and affectionate than the job called for, so she switched careers.
Kerith is now certified as a comfort dog, through the Pet Partners therapy dog organization. Kerith, (along with Heidi) began making the rounds as a therapy dog in her local hospital emergency wards.
Everyone loves Kerith. So she did what any popular dog does, Kerith started her own Instagram account: @kerith_the_golden_retriever. Check it out and Follow Her Here! Over 7K followers and counting!
Kerith in the News!
Kerith has become a celebrity of sorts! During this week of severe wildfires in Northern California, Heidi has taken Kerith to give comfort to the many hardworking firefighters in Marin County’s Woodward Fire.
CNN ran a story on August 26, 2020, and many other news outlets picked it up as well. Check out this page: Kerith in the News and read all about her amazing efforts!
The video story below is very inspiring too!
Kerith is doing what a dog does best, make people feel good! She has a sweet disposition and is helping in the community during difficult times!
Go Kerith! Keep up the good work! Oh, and you too Heidi! It sounds like a book deal could happen at any time!

Good Morning America Pet of the Week – 8/28/20
What a huge honor for Kerith! And Heidi! Keep up the good work!
Read more on Anne Z’s Wealthy Affiliate Blog:
“Meet Kerith! There is Good News in the World, Even During Disasters”
A New Book About Kerith!
Announcing the release of Kerith the Golden Retriever from Cowboy Luke Publishing!
In paperback and Kindle formats available today on Amazon! Perfect for children of all ages.
It includes wonderful photographs of Kerith by Heidi Carman.
A New Non-Profit Adventure
Heidi and Kerith are part of a NEW non-profit organization founded by Heidi called FirstResponderTherapyDogs. org.
Its mission is simple: “First Responder Therapy Dogs addresses behavioral health needs by providing emotional support to first responders with the use of therapy dogs.”
There is also a NEW YouTube channel filled with short videos of Kerith meeting and greeting firefighters during her work this past wildfire season in Northern California.

Please check the new website and YouTube channel out!
*This description may contain affiliate links. When you click them, we may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products and services that I’ve used or have experience with.
You’re the best. I love you so much ❤️
Anne Z