
The Road Zipper is up and running. Yesterday, we went to the Golden Gate Bridge to see what it looked like during its weekend long closure. The moveable barrier was installed and the road was EMPTY of car traffic! It was so quiet and a little erie in the dense fog on Sunday morning, January 11, 2015. 

We parked down by the water’s edge by the Coast Guard station and hiked up the long road to bridge and road level around 8:30am. Luke and a couple of friends were game for the adventure since it’s a once in a life time event to actually see the Bridge closed. There were quite a few walkers, many speeding cyclists and a handful of doggies (they are not allowed on the bridge, by the way). I took lots of photos, barely able to see even one of the towers close up, as we walked the 1.7 miles across to San Francisco. The SF Bay was quite calm, no waves, no wind, no sail boats – an unusual day for sure.

As we reached the San Francisco end of the bridge, we saw the Road Zipper in action, right in front of us! Here is a link to a short video of it in action. Notice how smoothly in operates! It’s big and YELLOW! It’s about time we have a center divide on our heavily travelled span. It will make using the “suicide” lane a lot safer for those who drive it! Here is a link to the Road Zipper traveling north to south (Marin to SF) during another practice run.

The bridge was noticeably empty of the normal amount of tourists. The bridge’s closure was all over the local news and so many stayed away. It was a perfect opportunity to do something “touristy” like walk across the span! It was an opportunity that doesn’t come along very often! The cyclists had to share the “city side” walkway, which is different from their normal biking side. Most were curtious, with a shout out “on your left”. Some were upset that people and strollers and families were there at all. But that’s a whole other blog post! Enjoy the slide show below!